
Follow the Pattern podcast - HUN
How to become an Open Source Software contributor?
Automate Secret Rotation in Kubernetes, Then Get Out of the Way!
Kubernetes and Cloud Native Budapest meetup
Cloud Unfiltered podcast
Blog: Go adds structured logging to its standard library...but should it?
Hosted Go Budapest meetup
CNCF Ambassador
Secret management in Kubernetes (2022 edition)
My Slides
Go+Microservices Budapest meetup December 2022
Kubernetes and Cloud Native meetup 2022 November
Curiefense integration with Emissary https://github.com/sagikazarmark/curiefense-emissary-poc/ Curiefense is an Open Source WAF for the cloud that works well with various web servers. Emissary is a...
Serverless és Copilot - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/serverless-es-co-pilot
Event sourcing és CQRS - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/event-sourcing-es-cqrs
Building a CI pipeline for a Go CLI application with Dagger https://sagikazarmark.hu/blog/dagger-go-cli/ https://dev.to/sagikazarmark/building-a-ci-pipeline-for-a-go-cli-application-with-dagger-1ik5
Building a CI pipeline for a Go library with Dagger https://sagikazarmark.hu/blog/dagger-go-library/ https://dev.to/sagikazarmark/building-a-ci-pipeline-for-a-go-library-with-dagger-2an7
The Perfect Development Environment 2022 https://sagikazarmark.hu/blog/the-perfect-development-environment-2022/ https://dev.to/sagikazarmark/the-perfect-development-environment-2022-enf
Incident Responder Certification
PagerDuty Foundational Practitioner Certification
CN Szeged: Multi-tenant application platform on Kubernetes https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6937732211219566593/
HWSW meetup: Dagger: futtasd a CI-t a gépeden - HUN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVoRyX7sfLU
Hogyan képez(z/t)ük magunkat? - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/hogyan-kepez-z-t-uek-magunkat
Bugfix estimation és retrospective meeting - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/bugfix-estimation-es-retrospective-meeting
Adatbázis migráció - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/adatbazis-migracio
HiFiBerry Case V2 alternative assembly https://sagikazarmark.hu/blog/hifiberry-case-v2-alternative-assembly/
web3 és low/no-code - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/web3-es-low-no-code
Fake colors, azaz az open source kontribútor lázadása - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/fake-colors-azaz-az-open
Karácsonyi teendők és log4shell - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/kar-csonyi-teend-k-s-log4shell
Kódminőség a házunk táján - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/k-dmin-s-g-a-h-zunk-t-j-n
Most unit testing is waste - HUN https://soundcloud.com/letscodehu/most-unit-testing-is-waste
My first real Nix contribution Added helm-docs to the official Nix package repository. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/144828
Using Dex & dex-k8s-authenticator to authenticate to Amazon EKS https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/using-dex-dex-k8s-authenticator-to-authenticate-to-amazon-eks/
Workshop template repository on GitHub Workshops are efficient means for knowledge transfer, but they are also harder to prepare for and deliver than regular talks, so I created a workshop template...
Released a Nix flake for reveal-md You can now use reveal-md on NixOS or in your projects shipping the developer environment with Nix. https://github.com/sagikazarmark/reveal-md-flake
Cloud Native Szeged - Secret management in Kubernetes - HUN https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1O2JAeL8WEPyizd1-fGtkg3q7-T6sUXvf/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116884988450325985848&rtpof=true&sd=true
Golang Szeged: Go testing patterns - HUN https://sagikazarmark.hu/slides/2021-10-11-go-testing-patterns/
Needed to grab some stats about GitHub organizations and repos, so I took the opportunity to play with the new GitHub CLI extensions feature. Here is the result: https://github.com/sagikazarmark/gh...
PSR-18: HTTP Client standard accepted PSR-18 is an HTTP client standard for PHP that adopted HTTPlug. https://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-18/
Became a maintainer of Guzzle Guzzle is a popular HTTP client for PHP. https://github.com/guzzle/guzzle
Released the first stable version of HTTPlug HTTPlug is an HTTP client standard for PHP. https://github.com/php-http/httplug/releases/tag/v1.0.0
Started working on PHP-HTTP https://github.com/php-http
New Go kit release 🎉 https://github.com/go-kit/kit/releases/tag/v0.11.0
Released Viper v1.8.0 🎉 https://github.com/spf13/viper/releases/tag/v1.8.0
Released Dex v2.28.0 🎉 https://github.com/dexidp/dex/releases/tag/v2.28.0
Released Dex v2.29.0 🎉 https://github.com/dexidp/dex/releases/tag/v2.29.0
Published a new post about writing custom decoders for Viper, a configuration library written in Go that I maintain.